

5 Strategies to Help You Deal With Stress at Work

Stress at work is a common problem. The rate of burnout in the United States can be extremely high for those who don’t have the proper coping skills. By using these five strategies, you can cut down on high-pressure stress. 1) Conflict Avoidance While not all conflict can or should

5 Things That Motivate Your Employees More Than Money

For most people, the workplace is like their second home. That is because people spend most of their time in workplaces as compared to their homes. Money is often the main motivational factor, but employers have realized that other factors can equally inspire workers to work even harder. A happy

How to Avoid Burnout by Using Your Right Brain

Maybe you’re aware of the signs of burnout. And maybe you’ve been seeing some of them in yourself. Still, you don’t really know how to stop it from happening. What are you supposed to do? Just stop working as hard? Maybe put in a few less hours in the office?

Give Your Life a Makeover by Introducing a Burst of Positivity

Many people unknowingly surround themselves with negativity at work and in their personal lives. This negativity can come in the form of a critical person who keeps putting you down time and again. It can also come in the form of coworkers who like to get together and criticize the

Top 5 Mistakes Made in Recruiting

The process of recruiting a new employee is costly and time-consuming, so getting the best person is paramount. Many organizations are tempted to cut corners due to pressure on time and budget when recruiting; however, it seldom pays off in the end. Let’s take a look at the most common

10 Small Changes Which Will Greatly Improve Your Productivity

Often, we think that we need to make huge changes in order to be happier or more successful. We might plan to switch jobs or even switch the field we work in. We might think that moving to a different city or state might help us to achieve our life

How to Use Affirmations to Make a Change in Your Life

Many of us want to make a change in our lives. We want a better love life, a better family life, a better career, a better body etc. But the whole problem is that we’re full of negativity when it comes to these areas of our lives. Instead of thinking

Gaining Clarity by Evaluating Your Own Performance at Work

We’ve all heard of (and dreaded) performance evaluations when you sit down with your supervisor and get their feedback on how well you’re doing. For some reason, this process always seems punitive in some way, and you’re always nervous before it even if you feel like you have been doing

Should You Visualize Happiness or Success?

Many people believe that visualization can get you where you want to go. The rules of visualization, as described in The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, gained a huge amount of popularity, with people trying to visualize relationships, money, promotions and even parking spaces into their lives! Visualizing Things That Make

The Magic Management Formula to Help You Run a Business

Being an entrepreneur or a manager is largely about managing people. Sure, there may be some entrepreneurs who fixate on the product and making it perfect. And maybe they have some original ideas which will make a splash in the market. But if you can’t manage the people in your

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