

Changing Your HR Management Style as You Go Past the Startup Phase

Starting a small business can be challenging, and when you’re past the startup phase, you may think that things are about to get easier. However, as your business continues to grow and expand, you’re faced with new challenges. As a business owner or someone in a leadership position within a

What is HR Outsourcing?

It is an agreement between an organization and an external third-party provider that involves transferring all or some HR functions to the external provider. Different outsourcing options are available to employers. In some instances, the options can be specific, while in others, it can be broad as outsourcing the whole

Communication Tips for Introverts in the Workplace

We’ve all heard those stereotypes about introverts who get tongue-tied around people, never dress well, wear thick glasses and don’t get invited anywhere. But as most introverts know, these stereotypes get it all wrong. You could be a great dresser with several friends who gets asked out and invited to

Tips to Grow Your Business Quickly

Starting and growing a business can be scary. You alone are the one responsible for whether it succeeds or fails. You are the only one who has to work hard in order to make it succeed. Without you, there is no business. And like most people, you want your business

Tips for Dealing with Conflict in the Workplace.

As a business owner, you know that conflict in the workplace isn’t good for business. Not only are your employees upset, they may not be able to focus on their work, because they are too busy dealing with the drama. Your customers may even notice that everyone is dealing with

Tips to Treat Your Employees Fairly.

As an employer, you are going to be in charge of your employees. In order to keep them working as hard as they can, you need to make sure that you treat them well.  Want to treat your employees fairly? Here are some tips to help.  Treat them like you

Why Exit Interviews Are Important.

Exit interviews are talks between an employer and an employee who has chosen to leave the business. They can also be done when a big project is finished, so that the process can be evaluated. Though you may not want to hear what your employee has to say, it is

Should You Let Your Employees Work From Home?

With COVID, more and more employees would like the opportunity to work from home. While there are many jobs that do not allow this, there are plenty of things that can be done in the comfort of your own home. As an employer, you may want to allow your employees

Tips to Have a Balanced Work and Home Life as an Employer

The goal that everyone talks about is having a work-life balance. This means that you have time at home, while also earning a living. As employers, we want to make sure that our employees have adequate time at home to relax and recoup. However, that isn’t always as easy for

Tips to Have a Productive Workspace

If you want to have a successful business (or even just a productive workday), you need to start with your space. The right (or wrong) space can make a difference. That being said, there are certain things that you can do to make sure that your workspace is as productive

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