

Evaluating and Improving Your Company Culture

Culture is an intangible thing but everyone knows it exists. You can see it in the differences between people who live in different countries. But if you stop to think about it, you can also see it in the differences between various companies and the people who work there. Different

Malcolm Gladwell, Creativity and Productivity Improvement

Whether you’re a business owner or an employee, chances are you’re interested in improving your productivity. This is how most businesses work: the more you produce, the more you earn. For many employees as well, their pay is based on how much they produce. Even if you’re a salaried employee,

Signs it’s Time to Outsource Your HR Department

Maintaining a fully-functional, in-house human resources department can be taxing on a small business, which is why more companies are outsourcing their HR departments. Yet, how will you know if it is time to outsource your HR department? Here are a few of the signs indicating that it is time

How to Have a Great Performance Review

Performance reviews, if done right, are a surefire way to increase employee motivation, drive progress and ambition. However, if done wrong, they’ll demotivate, upset and even insult your workforce. How then, do you review effectively? Schedule them Make performance reviews regular events and schedule them beforehand. However, do not make

Motivate Yourself to Meet Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 Hour Rule for Success

Different people give you different recipes for doing well professionally. But the one thing that most people agree on is that it’s necessary to work hard if you want to get anywhere. There’s no substitute for putting in the hours. As Malcolm Gladwell says in his book, Outliers, you need

3 Ways to Deal with Stress: Stop Overworking, Take a Vacation, Get a Hobby

Stress affects everybody and it’s present in every situation. People experience stress in their personal lives, especially if things are not going well. They also experience stress at work. Being healthy and fit can also be a source of stress, if you perceive yourself as less fit than you ought

Knowing Your Employees’ Talents and Delegating

Organization is one of the main ingredients of running a small business. Entrepreneurs have to keep track of everything that’s going on, including sales figures, marketing campaigns, accounting, hiring new employees etc. You may not necessarily have separate departments for all these functions but you need to make sure that

Why Use Personalized Human Resources Approaches Over Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is becoming a powerful force in many fields, and some companies are starting to experiment with using it in their Human Resource departments. While we applaud technological advances, we strongly believe that artificial intelligence lack a certain human touch needed for Human Resource matters. When you work with

Why Outsourcing HR Should Be on Your Holiday Wish List

It might be the season for holiday cheer, but nothing makes your buoyant seasonal spirit go from nice to naughty like the feeling of being overworked in the office. If you’ve thought about adding an HR department to your list of office wants, here are three reasons you’ll love adding an

Human Resources: More Tips to Help Your Employees Get Along

When employees don’t get along, it can be hard to get any work done, especially in a small office. Because of this, you must take care of the situation as soon as possible or you may end up losing some of your best employees. Here are some more tips to

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