Human Resources


Human Resources: How to Handle 3 Big Issues

Human Resources is the core of your business as it handles your most important asset,  people. Your workers make your business function, and you must invest in them for success. There are three important issues that every human resources official deals with on a frequent basis. Learn how to handle

Managing Your Relationship with Outsourced HR Team

Outsourcing can be a huge step for leaders who have never done it before.. Outsourcing your human resources department can be a very beneficial move in the long run for your company if done right. Read on for tips on how to make it work. 1) Communicate, communicate, communicate This is

Human Resources Using Human Resources

With today’s ever-growing influx of new employees labeled the millennial, it would be beneficial for the Human Resources Department to use this new valuable resource as a teaching pool of individuals that can give insight into a technological world that long-standing members of the department are not as savvy with.

Handling an Employee EEOC Claim

Formed in 1965, The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) administers and enforces federal laws against workplace discrimination. Job applicants and employees may not be discriminated against based on color, religion, race, sex, national origin, age (over 40), disability, or genetic information.  So what happens when an employee files an EEOC claim against your company? 

Outside Focus on Your Inside HR needs

The day-to-day work of a Human Resources department is very time consuming.  In fact, many companies cannot reach their full potential because too much manpower is spent on logistical details.  If this is your company, then CPEhr might be the perfect partner for you. CPEhr offers customized solutions for your

How to Profit When Losing an Employee: Exit Interviews

Every business hopes to inspire the kind of loyalty and motivation that leads to a lifelong employee-employer relationship like those enjoyed by generations past.  Today’s changing marketplace has the Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting that the average worker only stays with one company an average of 5 years.  With that

When Human Resources and Outsourcing Come Together

We’ve seen even the best HR professionals driven to a point of exasperation as the growth of their company has outpaced their team’s ability to keep up with their growing responsibilities. The beauty of outsourcing is that isn’t necessarily all-inclusive. A company can partner with an HR organization to ensure they remain

Human Resources and Outsourcing: Understanding Intermittent FMLA

Two workers sit in the company break room, discussing a recent crisis one is experiencing. “Kate” was recently diagnosed with migraines, and has gotten to the point that she doesn’t have any more time off. “Allie” comforts her but doesn’t know what to say. Kate mentions that her boss offered

The Facts on FMLA

FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) entitles employees of covered employers to take unpaid, job protected leave for family and medical reasons with continuation of any active health insurance.  Eligible employees are entitled 12 workweeks in a 12 month period for the following: Birth of a child/to care for a

Human Resources & Outsourcing: Focus On What You Do Best

Human resources is a professional function, but to truly understand the value of outsourcing your human resources, it is best to think of it as a trade or craft. Could you learn how to roof your house, side your shed, hang and finish new drywall in your house, or replace

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