Positive Workplace


10 Tips for Wellness – Human Resources

Nowadays, we hear a lot about maintaining the work/life balance. It’s a good thing that people have become aware of the fact that you need more than just work in your life. You need to spend time with friends and family, pursue your passions and hobbies, focus on your health

Creating a Resourceful, Happy, Mutually Supportive Pool of Employees

Have you just started running a business? Or have you been doing so for years? New and established business owners can run into blocks at times. This is pretty normal because a business is a growing, developing entity; it’s not static. And it’s also composed of people who are growing

Developing Resilience in a Changing Workforce

Rapidly escalating changes in new disruptive technologies is being mirrored by the rapid rate of change in the human workforce. Traditional relationships between companies, leaders, and employees is being replaced by concerns over automation and short term gig contracts. This lack of long term commitment and stability in the working

10 Customer Service Tips to Enhance Your Company Reputation

Many business owners think that it’s enough to make a great product, that if you make something great, then the buyers/consumers will come. But keep in mind that people are looking for something more than a great product. They are looking for a human connection. They want people to treat

5 Tips to Improve Communication in Your Office

Communication is very important for the running of any company. This is true on the most basic level. For example, if you’re giving someone instructions on how to do something and you don’t do so properly, then they’re not going to do the job right. So communication is important to

Happy at Work

What are the factors that impact employee happiness? The scales that global census takers use to determine happiness at work show different aspects of working life and satisfaction. Most global scales use several measures that translate well across cultures- pay, working hours, and paid sick time or vacation. This last

Rethinking the Probationary Period

Probationary periods are a familiar if uncomfortable concept: That first 60 or 90 days of a new job when your performance feels like it’s under a microscope, your benefits haven’t begun yet, and everything about the workplace is unfamiliar. Needless to say, that period of time is rarely remembered with fondness. Destabilizing

Human Resources: Tips To Keep Communication Open with Your Employees

It can be hard to be an employer or even a boss. Though you want to be able to talk to your employees, you are still the boss and they might not feel completely comfortable talking to you about certain things. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Here

Human Resources: Common Stressors in the Workplace

Stress is everywhere in our daily life. Most people feel stressed at some point or another during each day. You might feel stress at home and work, though some places are more stressful than others. Here are some common stressors in the workplace. Excessive work. One of the most common

More Tips for Finding Balance Between Work and Home

All people, whether they own their own business or work full-time struggle to find a balance between working and having a home life. However, you have to try because it is important for your well-being. You deserve to spend time with those you love, especially since they are the reason

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