Positive Workplace


Why HR Outsourcing is on The Rise

With more small to medium-sized businesses choosing to outsource their HR departments in recent years, business owners who have yet to make this switch may still be wondering why HR outsourcing has become so popular. One of the primary reasons smaller businesses choose to outsource HR is that small HR

Are Your New Hires Getting Trained?

Your new employees have finished their training, and, supposedly, they are ready for their jobs. Yet they still keep making mistakes and coming to you with questions. If you own a growing business, this kind of distraction from your work can be costly in the long run, so you might

How to Get Your Employees to Collaborate with Each Other

As a business owner or manager, there’s a lot of value in creating a culture of camaraderie among your employees. When everyone gets along, work gets done and people feel good about themselves. A great way of promoting a healthy and productive work environment is by getting your employees to

Decorating and Situating Your Desk for Greater Wellness

Wellness encapsulates physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Everyone needs to have these three things in their lives. We all know the importance of physical wellbeing, which can be achieved by going to the gym or doing some other form of exercise. Mental wellbeing, as defined by the field of psychology,

Can the Way You Dress Determine Your Success in the Workplace?

It’s important to dress appropriately if you’re interested in doing well at work. You’re going to be judged according to your appearance by clients, business associates, higher ups etc. The first impression you make on anyone is based on your appearance. So make sure you pay attention to it. Society

Show Respect In Everything You Do And Say

Your employees have feelings. When you’re caught up in the moment, it’s possible for you to say or do anything. Your employees need to feel as though they are respected, which is why you have to be cautious about what you do and say on a daily basis. Appreciate Your

Aggressive vs. Peaceful Management Techniques in the Workplace

Peaceful resistance has been one of humanity’s proud achievements in the last century, with great minds like Gandhi, Mandela and Martin Luther King espousing it. These leaders showed that it wasn’t necessary to use force in order to achieve what they wanted. They also encouraged their followers to be peaceful

Dealing with Small and Large Trust Issues with Employees

Once you have a bad experience with an untrustworthy employee, you may have difficulty trusting your employees again. This kind of bad experience could be small; maybe someone is just taking home paper from the mailroom. Or it could be big, such as when someone is selling your company secrets

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