How a Manager Can Increase Employee Engagement (Part 2)

Here are some additional ways to boost your worker’s engagement with your business:


True communication between management and employees and between peers in the workplace create an environment in which all parties can “live” the corporation’s mission. Strive to make all the discourses in the workplace transparent, honest, respectful and fair. Model the ideals of good communication by engaging employees in conversations that delve beneath the surface. Do not simply ask “how are you?” but instead inquire as to how a particular initiative is working for the associate. Practice active listening in which you focus on the words and body language of the individual without composing your response as they speak. Try not to deflect or ignore difficult subjects but work to find solutions to issues. Mediate between employees when they experience conflicts. When everyone is committed to honest expression, relationships strengthen and engagement increases.


Employees become more invested in work projects when they labor together as a team. Put your workers in situations in which they must rely on each other to create. As a leader, you should participate in the projects as much as possible without micromanaging. Monitor interactions, help employees progress over “humps”, praise their efforts and consistently remind them of the company’s aspirations. Meet with teams to discuss various ideas of how to accomplish particular projects. Encourage creativity in approaches and consider various scenarios rather than settling for the “tried and true” which is so often the “tired” choice. Bored employees produce boring work and this breeds insularity.


Present challenges to your staff to keep them motivated and committed to the work. Aim high with your requests as you seek to constantly improve the company. Give employees objectives to which they will respond and ask them to share their individual goals for themselves and the company’s future. Provide the support necessary to make gains possible. For instance, facilitate educational and training opportunities for your staff. Let each member of your workforce know you support their efforts toward making themselves and the organization better and more successful. Employees who understand that their company is invested in them, will be much more motivated and loyal than those who do not.


Rigidity at work reduces motivation, creativity and purposefulness. It is, therefore, imperative that leaders exhibit flexibility in their management without sacrificing necessary discipline. Employees work harder for those managers who work to accommodate their specific needs. For example, when feasible, allow workers to change shifts, complete some work from home, use particular tools or software or change the order in which they accomplish work tasks. Your staff will appreciate your willingness to work with them and will become happier and more allied with your company.

Maintaining an engaged group of workers is challenging but essential for your career as a manager. You must be on top of every aspect of the workplace in order to lead effectively. In other words, your own engagement matters the most. Work to develop a culture in which employees feel valued, respected and always upheld. You do this with constant investment in relationships. Always seek to improve communication, inspire creativity and hustle to ignite sparks in every workday. When engagement is high so is quality, production and sales. Model excitement and passion as you raise up future leaders who, in turn, will do the same.

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