Three Ways to Support Employee Self-Care

Regardless of the type of job a person performs, everyone needs to focus on self-care regularly. Self-care is taking the time to ensure that one’s emotional, physical, and mental health is properly managed. Not everyone takes the time necessary to engage in self-care, but employers have a responsibility to encourage self-care because healthy employees who are feeling their best perform better at work. If you’re unsure how to promote employee self-care without feeling as if you’re prying into their lives, here are three ideas.

Encourage Employees to Take Time Off

Vacations can be fun and exciting, but they can also be therapeutic. Time away from work can give a person the rest they need to regroup and be as productive as possible in the workplace. While some employees are more than happy to take regular time off, others may be reluctant. With your gentle nudge to take time off periodically throughout the year, you can increase the chances that all your employees will take adequate time off work. If it’s your company’s policy that unused paid time off doesn’t roll over, be sure to remind your employees of that. It might also be a good idea to offer discounts on vacations, amusement parks, spas, and more, which can entice employees to take time off.

Provide Healthier Office Cuisine

Whether you keep a stocked breakroom of snacks or you have occasional luncheons provided by the company, you can make an effort to make these foods healthier. Stock the snack area with fresh fruits, nuts, and other healthy snacks instead of high-carb and fatty choices. When ordering takeout for office lunches, stick with salads, lean meats, Mediterranean-type cuisine, etc.

Give Incentives to Exercise

By providing discounts to local gyms, sponsoring office walking contests, and giving out free pedometers, you’re encouraging your employees to exercise regularly. There are many other ways to encourage your employees to exercise, and many are even free.

There are some easy and low-cost ways to promote employee self-care. As long as you remain dedicated to ensuring your employees are properly managing self-care, then you are likely to be successful. Remember, healthy employees who are feeling their absolute best are more apt to show up to work daily with a positive attitude and motivated to work.

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